Monday, 29 January 2018




1.-Do some research (but not in depth) on the song, about some of the musicians of the song, about Pink Floyd, etc.

The song ``Wish you were here´´ is the ninth studio album by English rock band Pink Floyd. It was released on 12 September 1975 by Harvest Records in theU.K. and a day later by Colombia Records in the E.E.U.U.The album topped record charts in both regions.
Pink Floyd were an English rock band formed in London in 1965. They achieved international acclaim with their progressive and psychedelic music. Distinguished by their use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, extended compositions, and elaborate live shows, they are one of the most commercially successful and influential groups in popular music history.

2.-Write down a new first stanza in order to fit in with the musical structure. Each teacher (English and music) will evaluate their corresponding items.

I was waiting for you and me, 
climbing my life
What can you find?
Whish you were here?

Wednesday, 10 January 2018



1- What can I do that I couldn't do before?

2- What do I like most?
I love music and in this class I like that we do many thinks

3- What do I do well?
I do well: play the recorder, the drums...

4- What am I confused about?

5- What do I need help with?
I think didn't need help with anythink

6- What do I do in English and/or Music outside the class?
I go to english clases to do excercise and I go to the music school 

7- What do I need to improve?
i didn't know

8- What did I learn about culture?
i learn the fairs... 

9- What about Marcos (Music teaching and so on)?
I think that Marcos know of music, of instruments... and i like his clases but i think that we can do other type of clases



Listen: escuchar Play: tocarSound: sonidoVibration: vibración Wave: ondaVacuum: vaciospeed: rápidoNoise: sonidounpleant: molestoHearing: actuaciónSilence: silencioCompuser: compositor perform: actuarperformance: actuaciónrecord: grabarpitch: tonohight: alturalow: bajomelody: melodíaduration: duraciónlong: largoshort: cortotimbre: timbrechoir: cororecorder: flauta dulcestaff: pentagramatone: tonosemitone: semitonosharpe: sostenidoflat: bemoldescending: descendenteascending: ascendente major scale: escala mayorminor scale: escala menor 

semibreve: redondaminim: blancacrotchet: negraquaver: corcheasemiquaver: semicorchearest: silencio