Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Shoulder and adominals movements


Thursday, 28 November 2019


I’m going to speak about some different types of houses:

Architecture of modern houses.  Was based upon new and innovative technologies
of construction, particularly the use of glass, steel and reinforced concrete; the idea that form
should follow function (→functionalism); an embrace of minimalism; and a rejection of
ornament.It emerged
in the first half of the 20th century and became dominant after World War II until the 1980s,
when it was gradually replaced as the principal style for institutional and corporate buildings
by postmodern architecture.

Palafito.  The palafitos are houses where the pillars or simple stakes or houses in the water,
are built on bodies of calm waters such as lakes, lagoons and pipes (irregular and slow courses
by which they drain the rivers and lagoons of the low regions), although also They are built on
land and by the sea, as is the case in some areas of Chile.
The word derives from the Italian palafitta (Bushy sticks). In 2002 an important discovery at the
mouth of the Sarno river revealed that in the port area of Pompeii there were palafitos seated
on a system of canals, which also suggest a certain similarity

Yurta  A traditional yurt (from the Turkic languages) or ger (Mongolian) is a portable, round
tent covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the
steppes of Central Asia. The structure comprises an angled assembly or latticework of pieces
of wood or bamboo for walls, a door frame, ribs (poles, rafters), and a wheel (crown,
compression ring) possibly steam-bent. The roof structure is often self-supporting, but large yurts
may have interior posts supporting the crown. The top of the wall of self-supporting yurts is
prevented from spreading by means of a tension band which opposes the force of the roof ribs.
Modern yurts may be permanently built on a wooden platform; they may use modern materials
such as steam-bent wooden framing or metal framing, canvas or tarpaulin, Plexiglas dome,
wire rope, or radiant insulation.

Ruca  The ruca is the most important construction within the Mapuche architecture. Ruca in
mapudungun means 'house' and that is where the Mapuches lived traditionally.
Its surface varies between 120 and 240 square meters. This construction is based on materials
offered by nature in the place it is located, for example: They are formed by walls of boards or
sticks of coligüe, reinforced inside with wooden posts and upholstered with cattails. The roof is
made of reed or some grass similar to wild straw.
The traditional ruca is round, oval or can also be rectangular or square and has a single main
entrance open to the East, an orientation that expresses the Mapuche cosmological preference
for the Pwelmapu or Puelmapu ('Land of the East'). You can also have a small secondary door
to the west.

Clic here to open the presentation.


1 What can I do that I couldn't do before?
My speakings have improved a little.
2 What do I like most?
The speakings with Abi
3 What do I do well?
Maybe the reading part is my best.
4 What am I confused about?
Normally I fell in the lisenings.
5 What do I need help with?
I think I need to spend more time on writings
6 What do I do in English outside the class?
I listen music and TV programmes on English.
7 What do I need to improve?
I have to study more.
8 What did I learn about culture?

I learn about Yellowstone National Park and about some different types of houses.

Bitter: Having a harsh taste; not sour, sweet, or salty.
Cruel: Willfully causing pain to others and enjoying the pain or distress of others.
Dedicated: Relating to or marked by dedication.
Dependable: Capable of being depended on; worthy of trust. 
Eager: Having or showing strong desire or interest; longing impatiently.
Enthusiastic: Greatly interested in or deeply involved.
Optimistic: Disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
Outgoing: Someone who is friendly and sociable.
Supportive: Providing sympathy or encouragement.
Sympathetic: Having, showing, being based on, or feeling sympathy.
Truthful: Telling the truth, esp. as one's habitual behavior.
Bully: One who bothers and hurts smaller people.
Founder: To fill with water and sink.
Star: A famous or well-known actor, singer, etc., esp. one who plays the leading role in a production. A famous person in some art, profession, or field.
Victim: A person who suffers from destruction or an injury.
Used to: Accustomed to; habituated to.
Be used to: Be accustomed to; habituated to.
Get used to: Starting to be accustomed to; habituated to.
Habitat: The natural environment of a living thing.
National Park: An area of countryside for public use designated by a national government as being of notable scenic, environmental, or historical importance.
Shade: The darkness caused by the screening of rays of light from an area, or a place where this is found.
Wild: Living in a state of nature and not tamed.

Advertise: Make someone notice something.
Appeal: Atract.
Appear: Be on somewhere.
Broadcast: To transmit (programs) from a radio, television... station.
Claim: To demand by or as if by a right.
Convince: Make someone think like you.
Exaggerate: Emphasize something.
Inform: To give knowledge of a fact to (someone).
Promote: To advance in rank or position.
Recommend: Suggest something.
Image: A visible representation of a person, animal, or thing.
Media: Means of communication, as radio, television, and magazines, with wide reach and influence.
Product: Something produced by factories or companies.
Slogan: Small and easy affirmation which promotes business.
Slot: A slit, esp. one for receiving something, such as a letter.
Bargain: Purchase with discount.
Bid: Quantity of products that are going to be sold.
Browse: Look for something.
Browser: Someone who looks for something.
Charge: To ask (money) for payment.
Consume: To use up, expend.
Consumer: Someone who buys.
Purchase: Amount of products that you buy on one time.
Refund: Get the purchase return to the shop.
Select: To choose in preference.
Selection: An act or instance of selecting, or the state of being selected.
Suplier: Someone who make the products go to the store.
Supply: Make the products go to the shop.
Discount: Make smaller the prize of a product.
Increase: Make bigger the prize of a product.
Habitable: Somewhere where you can live.
Ordinary: Of no special quality or interest.
Potential: Possible, as opposed to actual; that might or could be true but is not yet so.
Semi-detached:  Joined to another on one side by a common wall.
Stunning: To astonish, astound, amaze.
Terraced: An  open area connected to a house and serving as an outdoor living area;
patio or balcony.
Old-fashioned: Of a kind that is no longer in style.
Six-bedroomed: House with six bedrooms.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Yellowstone National Park

First project: Yellowstone park

            ⇒ Zoolgy: Clic here

Resultado de imagen de back to school 2019-2020

Welcome to the last year of eso!

Saturday, 22 June 2019



  • Will, be going to and the future continuous
  • Present tenses with a future meaning
  • Some-, any-, no-, every-



  • The conditional:
First conditional: 👍👍 
Second conditional: 👍👍
Third conditional: 👍
  • Will for promeses


  • 1 What can I do that I couldn't do before?
      I couldn't speak well.
  • 2 What do I like most?
       During the curse the think that I like the most is what I learn about culture, and speak with people 
           from other countries.
  • 3 What do I do well?
       I understand all the speakings and listenings well.
  • 4 What am I confused about?
       I am confused about some readings.
  • 5 What do I need help with?
       I don't know what do I need help with.
  • 6 What do I do in English outside the class?
       I listen to english songs and I also watch films in original version.
       On thursday I go to extraclasses of english.
  • 7 What do I need to improve?
       I don't know, I can improve my seakings.
  • 8 What did I learn about culture?
       This year I learn a lot of cualture about Irland, and also literature, traditions....

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Thursday, 2 May 2019



Accessory: an extra part that improves or completes the basic part.

Belt: a band of flexible material that encircles the waist.

Earring: an ornament worn on or hanging from the lobe of the ear.

Handbag: a bag or box of leather, fabric, plastic, or the like, held in the hand or carried by means of a handle or strap, commonly used by women for holding money, toilet articles, small purchases, etc...

Necklace:a piece of jewelry worn around the neck, as a string of pearls.
Ring:a usually thin, circular band of strong material, such as gold, worn 
on the finger as an ornament, etc.:

The present simple passive__👍👍
The past simple passive__👍👍
used to + infinitive__👍
Interactive Video__👍👍
Tried and tested by you__👍
Culture Video: Canadian sports__👍👍
Practical English__👍

Cleaning up the fashion industry__👍👍
Tried and tested by you__👍
Maple Leaf Sports__👍👍
Talking about food__👍

English Week__👍👍
New inventions__👍👍
Sports in Canada__👍👍
English Week__👍👍

I think that I understood most of this.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019


Saturday, 6 April 2019



Arrest: To seize (a person) by legal authority.
Black Market: The illegal buying and selling of goods or changing of currency.
Case: One instance or an example of the occurrence of something.
Evidence: That which tends to prove or disprove something; proof.
Interview: A formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or judge
 the worth of another person.
Suspicious: Tending to cause or raise suspicion.
Trap: A trick for catching a person by surprise.


Past Perfect__👍👍

Relative Pronouns__👍👍

Modals of Deduction__👍

Interactive Video__👍👍

The men who stole identities__👍

Culture Video: An American Police Officer__👍👍

Practical English__👍


Katie Frye, Private Eye__👍👍
The Great Impostor__👍
In the eyes of the law__👍👍
Supergran to the rescue__👍
Photographic Evidence__👍👍




English Week__👍👍


American Police Officer__👍
Stupid Laws__👍👍
Stupid Criminals__👍👍

English Week__👍👍


I think that I understund most of this.