Bitter: Having a harsh taste; not sour, sweet, or salty.
Cruel: Willfully causing pain to others and enjoying the pain or distress of others.
Dedicated: Relating to or marked by dedication.
Dependable: Capable of being depended on; worthy of trust.
Eager: Having or showing strong desire or interest; longing impatiently.
Enthusiastic: Greatly interested in or deeply involved.
Optimistic: Disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
Outgoing: Someone who is friendly and sociable.
Supportive: Providing sympathy or encouragement.
Sympathetic: Having, showing, being based on, or feeling sympathy.
Truthful: Telling the truth, esp. as one's habitual behavior.
Bully: One who bothers and hurts smaller people.
Founder: To fill with water and sink.
Star: A famous or well-known actor, singer, etc., esp. one who plays the leading role in a production. A famous person in some art, profession, or field.
Victim: A person who suffers from destruction or an injury.
Used to: Accustomed to; habituated to.
Be used to: Be accustomed to; habituated to.
Get used to: Starting to be accustomed to; habituated to.
Habitat: The natural environment of a living thing.
National Park: An area of countryside for public use designated by a national government as being of notable scenic, environmental, or historical importance.
Shade: The darkness caused by the screening of rays of light from an area, or a place where this is found.
Wild: Living in a state of nature and not tamed.
Advertise: Make someone notice something.
Appeal: Atract.
Appear: Be on somewhere.
Broadcast: To transmit (programs) from a radio, television... station.
Claim: To demand by or as if by a right.
Convince: Make someone think like you.
Exaggerate: Emphasize something.
Inform: To give knowledge of a fact to (someone).
Promote: To advance in rank or position.
Recommend: Suggest something.
Image: A visible representation of a person, animal, or thing.
Media: Means of communication, as radio, television, and magazines, with wide reach and influence.
Product: Something produced by factories or companies.
Slogan: Small and easy affirmation which promotes business.
Slot: A slit, esp. one for receiving something, such as a letter.
Bargain: Purchase with discount.
Bid: Quantity of products that are going to be sold.
Browse: Look for something.
Browser: Someone who looks for something.
Charge: To ask (money) for payment.
Consume: To use up, expend.
Consumer: Someone who buys.
Purchase: Amount of products that you buy on one time.
Refund: Get the purchase return to the shop.
Select: To choose in preference.
Selection: An act or instance of selecting, or the state of being selected.
Suplier: Someone who make the products go to the store.
Supply: Make the products go to the shop.
Discount: Make smaller the prize of a product.
Increase: Make bigger the prize of a product.
Habitable: Somewhere where you can live.
Ordinary: Of no special quality or interest.
Potential: Possible, as opposed to actual; that might or could be true but is not yet so.
Semi-detached: Joined to another on one side by a common wall.
Stunning: To astonish, astound, amaze.
Terraced: An open area connected to a house and serving as an outdoor living area;
patio or balcony.
Old-fashioned: Of a kind that is no longer in style.
Six-bedroomed: House with six bedrooms.